Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural
SMSC are the aspects of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education that are integrated into all features of the curricular and wider curriculum programme at the Academy. These may be delivered as part of a subject area, for example Religious Education and Citizenship, or may be integral to the teaching of the subject or activity.
The school currently delivers SMSC in all aspects of the school life both curriculum and pastoral. As part of the pastoral delivery the form tutors play a crucial role in the delivery of whole school collective worship by means of Thought of the Week which allows students to discuss a topical theme, with a moral or religious foundation. The aim of this is to engage students in discussion and encourage them to share their own views but also to question each other's. We also cover the core British values which are interwoven into the curriculum.
The enrichment programme also provides a range of opportunities for the social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness of our pupils to be enhanced. Activities such as debating and Duke of Edinburgh Award offer varied and life changing potential. Enrichment allows pupils to work in vertical year groups, creating community cohesion and allows all pupils to interact socially. This includes visits to a Nursing Home, sports, crafts, musical and theatre links. The DoE programme has grown extensively in the last 12 months and has an increasing uptake particularly at KS5 where students are beginning to look for more opportunities to learn skills beyond the academic curriculum. For many students the ability to learn a new skill and grow in confidence has had a major impact on their life.
The Academy promotes tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths, or those of no faith, cultures and lifestyles through the effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils, through curricular activities and through the engagement of pupils in extra-curricular activity and volunteering within their local community (for example through work experience and the enrichment programme). This is also delivered through both year assemblies and house assemblies. Students are encouraged to engage with the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
All staff have received LGBTQ+ training and the Academy has achieved the Stonewall Gold Award. Pupils support each other in all aspects of school life and are proud to be part of ‘Team Hatton’.